Photo book review
200 Days, 200 Photo Books Lorena Guillen Vaschetti: Historia, Memoria, Silencios
On summer vacation days, I like to wander around the flea market and look for old photo albums. You know when your heart suddenly starts to beat faster? When the wind blows the scent of old paper, dust and cellars around your nose? Am I holding a little treasure in my hands?
Yes, this little book by Lorena Guillen Vaschetti is one such treasure. Its cover is reminiscent of those old photo albums with various passe-partout cut-outs. A red banderole on the soft sand-colored cover screams out to the viewer and makes me swallow hard: "My Mother and I are the only members left of a large Italian family. She decided that throwing away all family slides was a big favor to me: 'it happened already', she said."
One of the relatively tragic events of our time is the loss of the photo album and the pictorial family history. There are many artistic approaches to working with these found images and albums as a starting point for artistic exploration. Lorena Guillen Vaschetti has found her own special and unique point of view, developing her own visual language as a point of view and thus connecting the parallel distance between her grandfather's photographic view and her own, as well as his view of his daughter and her view of her parents.
- Thomas Kellner, photographer