Thomas Kellner – Germany – view from inside out

A journey along the boder

In his series Deutschland-Grenzgänge (Germany-crossing borders) or Blick nach Draußen (view to the outside) from 1996, Kellner uses a pinhole camera to show us a new perspective on Germany’s geographical borders. With the help of Dr. Markus Hellenthal, the head of the border guard and aviation security of the interior ministry, he managed to give us a look across the border. He creates the impression of looking through a keyhole by using a pinhole camera.

“When we cross a border we access a new field of experience. At the same time, borders sharpen our awareness of change. On the one hand, they confront us with our own limitedness, while on the other they open up unimagined possibilities. If we keep an open mind, borders present us with the liberty to decide.This is demonstrated not only by Thomas Kellner's borderline images […]">Dr. Markus Hellenthal: Borders - Windows onto Freedom: Border controls as an example of strategies of change Thomas Kellner's Deutschland – Grenzgänge in: "Thomas Kellner: Deutschland – Blick nach Draußen", 1998

A photo taken with a pinhole camera is characteristically defined by its boundary created by the small opening. It is similar to Germany as a country as it is also defined by its borders. While travelling through Germany, Kellner comes in contact with our geographical borders as well as our own limitations and creates awareness of the fact that these borders actually exist. Which is hard to imagine, especially in times of globalization.

Thomas Kellner – Germany – a view from inside to the outside

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Detailed information about Germany a view from inside out

Title: Thomas Kellner – Blick nach Draußen
Editor: Thomas Kellner
Authors: Prof. Dr. Hubertus von Amenlunxen, Dr. Markus Hellenthal
Photographer: Thomas Kellner
Content: 89 pages, 50 plates
Size: 26,5×17cm, sofcover, brochure
Language(s): German / English, German / French
Publisher: Verlag mrd A. Pfeifer + O Homrich gbr
Edition: 300 / 200
Release Date: 1998
Price: 490,- Euros (signed first edition)
Edition of the special edition: /
Price of the special edition: /


Thank you to everyone for your help on this first photobook of mine.