Siegen-Wittgenstein - Deyang, China

citypartnersip Siegen - Deyang since 1996

The citypartnership Siegen Wittgenstein - Deyang was officially founded in 1996, based on earlier contacts dated back to 1988. 1983 the young city of Deyang was founded. Today (2007) the city has already a population of nearly 4 million people.

First contacts were risen by Siegen industries like SMS Demag AG. There is a prolific relationship between the associations of friendship in both cities of Deyang and Siegen and yearly exchanges of pupils.

The Gesellschaft fuer Deutsch Chinesische Freundschaft, GDCF (German Association for german Chinese friendship) is the main initiator of various contacts and building relations and friendships beween people of the two cities.

From the very beginning art was one of the nearly every year contacts between Deyang and Siegen.

>>>view the history of art exchange Deyang / Siegen

>>>contacts in Deyang

>>>citypartnership at Siegen-Wittgenstein