Thomas Kellner im Museu de Arte Moderna Rio de Janeiro

Thomas Kellner in the collection of the Museum of Modern Art in Rio de Janeiro

A few weeks ago, another work by Siegen-based fine art photographer Thomas Kellner was given to the Museum of Modern Art, MAM, in Rio de Janeiro. "The Joaquim Paiva Collection / Museum of Modern Art of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil" is probably the first and largest collection of photographic art in a South American museum.


Joaquim Paiva

Joaquim Paiva, who describes himself as a collector of Brazilian and international photography, donated 1090 photographs by a total of 125 Brazilian photographers to the MAM in Rio back in 2005. The current donation of 450 works is the largest part of his collection of international artists. Paiva, born in 1946, was involved with photography from an early age. Not only did he translate Susan Sontag's famous book "On Photography" into his native language, he also wrote many other books and worked as a photographer and artist himself. His own works can be found in the Brasilia City Museum, the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston and many others.

Thomas Kellner and Joaquim Paiva met in Houston in 2002. Paiva has lent his expertise as a consultant to many festivals, including portfolio viewings in Buenos Aires, Houston, Brasilia, Portland and Madrid. Paiva has spent most of his life in Rio, but has also lived in Spain, Peru, Argentina, the USA, Portugal and Canada.


The current donation presents works of the following photographers:
Adams, Ansel. São Francisco, EUA, 1902 – 1984
Alexander, Julie Brook. Bryan, Texas, EUA, 1957
Arbus, Diane. New Iorque, EUA, 1923 - 1971
Banisadr, Niloufar. Teerã, Irã, 1973
Barber, Craig J.. Rochester, EUA, 1947
Bedoya, Luz Maria. Piura, Peru, 1969
Bigio, Raquel. Buenos Aires BA, Argentina, 1941
Blanco, Florencia. Montpelier, França, 1971
Brodsky, Marcelo. Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1954
Brummett, Thomas. Pueblo, EUA, 1955
Cartagena, Alejandro. Santo Domingo, República Dominicana, 1977
Chambí, Martín. Puno, 1891 - Cuzco, Peru, 1973
Chezhin, Andrey. Leningrado, Rússia, 1960
Delbrouck, Vincent. Bruxelas, Bélgica, 1975
Drury, Richard. Inglaterra, 1968
Eisenberg, Jeri. Nova Iorque, EUA, 1952
Fernández, Roberto. Montevidéu, Uruguai, 1955
Ferrero, Magela. Montevidéu, Uruguai, 1966
Friedman, Sebastian. Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1973
Garber, Pablo. Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1961
Garduño, Flor. Cidade do México, México, 1957
Gelles, Judy. Filadélfia, EUA, 1944
Gentinetta, Dafne. Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1978
Goldstein, Susan. Indianópolis, EUA, 1950
Grinblatt, Julio. Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1960
Groisman, Adriana. Buenos Aires, Argentina
Gushin, Vadim. Novosibirsk, Rússia, 1963
Haydock, Marcus. Londres, Inglaterra, 1969
Hirano, Masaki. Tóquio, Japão, 1952
Huarcaya, Roberto. Lima, Peru, 1959
Jorden, Bill. Brasil - EUA
Kellner, Thomas. Bonn, Alemanha - 1966
Kim, Ayoung. Seul, Coreia, 1979
Lang, Li. Chengdu, Sichuan, China, 1969
Laptuta, Christine. Toronto, Canada, 1951
Leonard, David Julian. Memphis, EUA, 1962
Leontiev, Sergei. Carcóvia, Ucrânia, 1962
Ling, Elaine. Hong Kong, China/Canadá
López, Marcos. Santa Fé, Argentina, 1958
Maiofis, Gregory. São Petersburgo, Rússia, 1970
Marsh, Fredrik. Quantico, Virgínia, EUA, 1957
Meinel, Javier Silva. Lima, Peru, 1949
Menke, Martin Valentin. Olsberg, Alemanha, 1967
Mouratidi, Katharina. Alemanha, 1971
Nash, A. Leo. EUA, 1964
Nixdorf, Meike. Mainz, Alemanha, 1976
O'Connell, Kevin. Hammond, Indiana, EUA, 1958
Orbegoso, Ana de. Lima, Peru, 1964
Ramirez Limón, Javier. Hermosillo, México, 1960
Rauschenberg, Cristopher. Nova Iorque, EUA, 1951
Rothe, Frank. Berlim, Alemanha, 1972
Ruscha, Edward. Omaha, EUA, 1937
Schoijett, Rosana. Buenos Aires, Argentina - 1969
Sims, Cristopher. Michigan, EUA, 1972
Sláma, Vojtech. Brno, República Tcheca
Stern, Grete. Elberfeld, Alemanha, 1904 - Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1999
Sugimoto, Go. Yamaguchi, Japão, 1979
Sungpil, Han. Seul, Coreia do Sul, 1972
Temkin, Brad. Chicago, EUA, 1956
Terry, Sara. Detroit, EUA, 1955
Thorneycroft, Diana. Claresholm, Canadá, 1956
Titarenko, Alexey. São Petersburgo, Rússia, 1962
Vásquez, Víctor. San Juan, Porto Rico, 1950
Wrangle, Anderson. Houston, Texas, EUA, 1970
Zout, Helen. Santa Fé, Argentina, 1957

Museu de Arte Moderna    
Av Infante Dom Henrique 85
Parque do Flamengo
Rio de Janeiro
Brasil 20021-140
Telephone: +55 (21) 2240 4944
Fax: +55 (21) 2240 4899

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