Kellner in der jury des cpfp 2011

Thomas Kellner promotes young talent

The Siegen fine art photographer Thomas Kellner was recently appointed to the jury of the current Canon Profifoto Award. The jurors Julia Ossko (Blurb), Guido Krebs (Canon), Peter Bitzer from the photo agency Laif, Christoph Bamberg (WhiteWall/Lumas) and Thomas Kellner (photographers:network), who himself received the award 15 years ago, selected 5 up-and-coming German photographers (Annika Schmermbeck, Sabine Spengler, André-Alexander Giesemann, Paul Mark Gisbrecht and Hannes Jung) as winners. The winners will receive Canon equipment of their choice with a total value of 10,000 euros and a publication in the trade magazine Profifoto. The winning projects can be seen at

The winning projects