02.10.2006: Siegerland Artists' Workgroup in Beijing

Siegerland Artists' Workgroup in Beijing

Artists from the Siegerland Artists' Workgroup are currently exhibiting at the Yan Huang Art Museum in Beijing. The connection to China's first ever private museum was made possible through Isolde Gomberg from the German-Chinese Friendship Society in Siegen. Liang Ying, daughter of the artist and founder of the museum had previously exhibited at the Staedtische Galerie Haus Seel in Siegen. Immediately after their arrival, the group of artists comprised of Aki Benemann, Thomas Kellner, Petra Oberhäuser, Sigrid Mertin and Helga Seekamp set up an exhibition with over 60 works from the working group, which was inaugurated on Saturday morning at 10 am. The artists will then enjoy an extensive programme of tours and visits in Beijing, which a delegation of Siegen-Wittgenstein district will join on Wednesday, as well as members of the local press, after which the group will travel on to Deyang.