Tango Metropolis, Siegerlandmuseum

Thomas Kellner
Tango Metropolis
September 25, 2016 - January 8, 2017
Siegerlandmuseum im Oberen Schloß, Siegen, Germany

“Who would have thought that so much wonder could still be created with straight photographs in a time given to digital manipulation?” Alan G. Artner, Chicago Tribune

Kunstsommer 2016: Thomas Kellner‘s Tango Metropolis at the Siegerlandmuseum
Opening: Sunday, 25th September 2016

Artist Thomas Kellner presents his series “Tango Metropolis” at the Siegerlandmuseum in the upper castle from the 25th September 2016 till 06th January 2017. The exhibition is arranged in cooperation with the “Arbeitsgemeinschaft Siegerländer Künstler e.V.“ (ASK).

German artist Thomas Kellner is known for his photographs of seemingly dancing architectural exteriors and interiors of tourist attractions from all over the world. Even though his photographs show popular motives that have been mass-produced, his work is unique due to his new artistic method called “visual analytical synthesis”. By doing so he does not take one shot but several thoughtfully planned ones in order to create a picture out of a contact sheet. His work is often referred to Cubism considering that his creative process includes a construction but the results resemble a deconstruction.  Thomas Kellner’s works imitate the wandering look of the eye, showing us segments of the total which come together as one image. Therefore his photographs do not deconstruct architecture but reconstruct our view on it. At the same time his work also reflects the flood of pictures we live in nowadays.

Like Prof. Dr. Frank Günter Zehnder said on the opening ceremony for „Farbwelt 135-36 Kunstpreis des Kreises Düren 2009“: „A training field and adventure course for seeing and perceiving, for remembering and combining is now opened with this exhibition.“

The exhibition Thomas Kellner Tango Metropolis is accompanied by a catalogue (brochure, 24 pages and 9 illustrations) with an essay by Prof. Dr. Irina Chmyreva about “visual analytical synthesis”.

Tango Metropolis
25th Sep. 2016 – 06th Jan.2017
Siegerlandmuseum im Oberen Schloss
Burgstraße|57072 Siegen
Opening hours: Tuesday till Sunday 10.00 a.m. till 5:00 p.m.
Monday: closed


thank you to Arbeitsgemeinschaft Siegerländer Künstler and to Siegerlandmuseum for hosting such a nice presentation of my work with a catalog in Siegen. Special thanks to Kai Uwe Körner and Prof. Dr. Ursula Blanchebarbe for the exhibition.
My sincere thanks go also to Prof Irina Chmyreva for writing this historicaly important essay and to Natalja Kremer and Dr. Andrea Gnam for translations. Thank you to Marc Babenschneider for the design and to seltmann+söhne for printing and to Oliver Seltmann for the distribution.

Finissage Sonntag 8. Januar 2017 11 Uhr

Siegen. Ist Kunst süß, oder Schokolade schön? Ist Kunst etwa lecker, Schokolade elitär, oder ist Schokolade Kunst und Kunst ein Nachtisch? Diese und andere Fragen stellen sich am kommenden Sonntag, 8. Januar 2017 Thomas Kellner und Markus Podzimek bei der Finissage der Ausstellung Tango Metropolis im Siegerlandmuseum im Oberen Schloß um 11 Uhr.

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