Contact unexpected / Kontakt unerwartet
Kontakt unerwartet
April 15 - June 24, 2018
Südsauerlandmuseum Attendorn, Germany
Participating artists: Barbara Abendroth, Andreas Müller, Marlies Backhaus, Gabi Dahl, Ursula Decker, Manja Dessel, Robert Evangelisto, Bernd Figgemeier, Sigrid Geerlings-Schake, Dirk Gross, Uta Hoffmann, Monika Jährig, Adelka, Thomas Kellner, Rolf Kluge, Mechthild Komesker, Helmut Kottkamp, Monika Meinold, Vlada Monosova, Klaus Nixdorf, Karl-Ulrich Peisker, Eddy Pinke, Rika Pütthoff-Glinka, Germaine Richter, Ingo Schultze-Schnabl, Jo Scholar, Lars- Ulrich Schubert, Rita-Maria Schwalgin, Rita Wrede, Michel M. Petra Eckardt.
Südsauerlandmuseum Attendorn
Alter Markt 15
7439 Attendorn
Linocuts at Contact unexpected
“Still recognizable in their entirety, the monuments develop their own bubbly existence. Sometimes, they dance in a jagged tango step, a peppy twist or a shimmering flight of floating particles similar to the London Eye.” Raith, F., Das besondere Portfolio. Fraktale Monumente. In: Foto Magazin, No. 5, May 2005, 124-129
Contact unexpected
Thank you for Contact unexpected
Thank you to Monika Loecken and BBK Westfalen for organizing this exhibition.