pinta miami

pinta Miami

pinta Miami

pinta Miami
gabinete de arte k²o, Brasilia & Sao Paulo, Brazil
December 1-6, 2015
Miami, USA

exhibiting artists: Bel Barcellos, Christus Nobrega, Dirceu Maues, Galena, Gauthier d'Ydewalle, Thomas Kellner

“Kellner’s photographs do not mimic human vision any more than their more traditional counterparts, but their fragmented compositions create ­something of the effect of human vision.” Pappas, Allison, Houston, we've had a problem! Kellner, Thomas, 2013, Seltmann+Söhne Berlin/Siegen, page 33

Thank you

thank you to Karla Osorio, for showing my work at pinta Miami.

Video pinta Miami