Photo Forum 2007

Photo Forum 2007

17th September 2007 - 14th Janurary 2008

Fine Arts Museum of Houston

Participating artists: Victor José Cobo, Jed Devine, Eliot Elisofon,  Nuer Men, John Faier, Duncan Ganley, David Goldes, Peter Granser, Paul Allen Greenberg,  Janack Daulat, Stephan Hillerbrand, Chip Hooper, Graciela Iturbide, Thomas Kellner, Kadir van Lohuizen, Steve McCurry, Peter Miller, Daniel Mirer, Toby Old, Lisa M. Robinson, Rojelio Rodriguez, Soody Sharifi, Allison V. Smith, Krista Leigh Steinke, Maggie Taylor, Ryan Weideman, Minor White, Stephen Wilkes, JeongMee Yoon

"Kellner's approach is not stereotypical - he composes each building into forms evoking different emotions, emphasizing such elements that he finds most intriguing in each building."

Mazancová, D.: Portfolio. Thomas Kellner. In: Fotograf. Architecture No. 9, Volume 6, 2007.

Thank you Museum of Fine Arts Houston for including my work in your beautiful exhibition >>>

51#01 Houston, Dancing Chimneys, Houston Refinery